김보민 교수(경상대학 경제통상학부)
o (2003) B.A. Seoul National University
o (2008) M.A. University of Southern California
o (2013) Ph.D. University of Southern California
o (2023~Present) Associate Professor, Kyungpook National University, Daegu
o (2017~2023) Assisstant Professor, Kyungpook National University, Daegu
o (2016~2017) Research Professor, Korea University, Seoul
o (2015~2016) Research Fellow, Corporate Governance Service of Korea Exchange, Seoul
o (2013~2015) Associate Research Fellow, Korea Institute of International Economic Policy, Sejong
Applied Econometrics, Treatment Effects, Program Evaluation, Duration Models
Causal Inference, Causlaity, Regression Discontinuity Design, RDD, Propsnsity Score Matching
Difference-in-Difference, DID, Identification, Partial Identification,
Sample Selection, Self-selection, Instrumental Variables,
Labor Economics, Economics of education, Human Capital,
Sorting in Marriage, Economics of Fertility, Intrahousehold Models,
Community Colleges, Estimation of the Effects of Remediation education,
Vocational High Schools, Estimation of Mathematics education, Drop-outs in Mathematics
Optimal Allocation of Mathematics Courses, 비정규직 노동자
o Inequality and Growth: Nonlinear Evidence from Heterogeneous Panel Data
o Do Developmental Mathematics Develop Mathematics Proficiency?
o Bounding their Effectiveness in RDD with the Presence of Dropouts
o Governance of the global commons: the deep seabed, the Antarctic, outer space
o Estimating returns to vocational education at high schools in Korea
o 중장년층 퇴직자 재취업 결정요인 분석
o 졸업 유예의 취업 및 임금효과 분석
o 한국폴리텍대학 직업교육의 효과성 추정
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):