김동선 교수(IT대학 컴퓨터학부)
(2010) Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
(2005) Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
(2003) Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
(2020~Present) Assistant Professor, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea
(2019~2020) Senior Software Test Engineer, Furiosa.ai, Seoul, South Korea
(2013~2018) Research Associate, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
(2010~2013) Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Program Analysis, Software Engineering, Automated Debugging, Program Repair
* Publications: My work has been published in top-tier conferences such as 5*ICSE (with an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award), 1*FSE, 1*ASE (with an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award), and 3*ISSTA, as well as top-tier journals such as 4*TSE (with a featured article), 2*TOSEM, 1*CSUR, and 4*EMSE.
* Awards: Winner of Two ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards, @ICSE 2013 and @ASE 2023.
Recognition: I am ranked among the Top-20 most impactful SE researchers (consolidators) in a recent paper . In addition, I have been invited by three Dagstuhl seminars (17022, 15472, and 11062).
* Citations: Currently, my research work has been cited more than 3,200 times and the H-index is 24.
* Tools open-sourced: I co-developed PAR, LSRepair, TBar, iFixR, and AVATAR, automatic patch generation tools, which can fix program bugs by using common fix patterns. In addition, my contributions include CoCaBu and FaCoY, code search tools, which can identify syntactically and semantically similar code fragments from open-source software projects in world-wide code bases such as GitHub.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):