송홍진 교수(인문대학 불어불문학과)
o (2009) B.A., Seoul National University, Seoul / 서울대학교 불어불문학과 학사
o (2013) M.A., Seoul National University, Seoul / 서울대학교 불어불문학과 석사
o (2020) Ph.D., University Paris Nanterre / 파리10대학 문학박사
o (2022~Present) Assistant Professor, Kyungpook National University, Daegu / 경북대학교 불어불문학과 조교수
o (2021~2022) Researche Professor, Kyung Hee University, Yongin / 경희대학교 아프리카연구센터 연구교수
o (2021~2022) Lecturer, Seoul National University, Seoul / 서울대학교 불어불문학과 강사
o (2010~2012) Assistant, Seoul National University, Seoul / 서울대학교 불어불문학과 조교
French Literature, Modern French Poetry, Baudelaire, Romanticism, Symbolism, Art Criticism, European Cultural History, Cultural Studies, Media History, Cultural Media, Francophone African Literature, Image/imagination, Mythology
o On a New Landscape of Modern Francophone African Poetry - Focusing on the Trends after the 1980s
o The palimpsest writing of Baudelaire's cities: Paris, Lyon, Honfleur, Brussels
o Baudelaire orphique : du chant de l'art mnémonique et du lyrisme dissonant
o Study on Baudelaire's Amœnitates Belgicæ: criticism of modern civilization and the poetics of the epigram
o Baudelaire and journalism: Baudelaire, poet-journalist
o Study on Joséphin Soulary: rediscovering a forgotten poet
o Baudelairean aesthetics and poetics of the media arts