Research activity per year

Personal profile

In Korean

이경의 교수(인문대학 불어불문학과)


o (1985) B.A. Sogang University, French language et litterature
o (1986) M.A. Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, Lettres modernes
o (1987) DEA. Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, Lettres modern
o (1994) Ph.D. Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, Lettres modernes

Professional Experience

o (2007-Present) Professor, Kyungpook National University
o (2002-2006) Vice Pressor, Kyungpook National University
o (1998-2001) Assistant Professor, Kyungpook National University
o (1996-1997) Fulle time lecturer, Kyungpook National University

Research Interests

French classical theatre
French cinema
French history
Paris history

Major Research Achievements

o Traduction of Moliere theatre
o Traduction de Beaumarchais theatre
o Traduction of Marivaux theatre
o Traduction de Musset theatre
o Trauduction of Perrault fairy tales
o Traduction of La Rochefoucauld maximes
