A case study of mesoscale convective band (MCB) development and evolution along a quasi-stationary front

Daeun Jeong, Ki Hong Min, Gyuwon Lee, Kyung Eak Kim

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2 Scopus citations


This paper presents a case study of mesoscale convective band (MCB) development along a quasi-stationary front over the Seoul metropolitan area. The MCB, which initiated on 1500 UTC 20 September 2010 and ended on 1400 UTC 21 September 2010, produced a total precipitation amount of 259.5 mm. The MCB development occurred during a period of tropopause folding in the upper level and moisture advection with a low-level jet. The analyses show that the evolution of the MCB can be classified into five periods: (1) the cell-forming period, when convection initiated; (2) the frontogenetic period, when the stationary front formed over the Korean peninsula; (3) the quasi-stationary period, when the convective band remained over Seoul for 3 h; (4) the mature period, when the cloud cover was largest and the precipitation rate was greater than 90 mm h-1; and (5) the dissipating period, when the MCB diminished and disappeared. The synoptic, thermodynamic, and dynamic analyses show that the MCB maintained its longevity by a tilted updraft, which headed towards a positive PV anomaly. Precipitation was concentrated under this area, where a tilted ascending southwesterly converged with a tilted ascending northeasterly, at the axis of cyclonic rotation. The formation of the convective cell was attributed in part by tropopause folding, which enhanced the cyclonic vorticity at the surface, and by the low-level convergence of warm moist air and upperlevel divergence. The southwesterly flow ascended in a region with high moisture content and strong relative vorticity that maintained the development of an MCB along the quasi-stationary front.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)901-915
Number of pages15
JournalAdvances in Atmospheric Sciences
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 2014


  • convective band
  • heavy precipitation
  • potential vorticity
  • quasi-stationary front
  • tropopause folding


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