A deformed supersymmetric w1+ symmetry in the celestial conformal field theory

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By using the K-free complex bosons and the K-free complex fermions, we construct the N=2 supersymmetric W∞K,K algebra which is the matrix generalization of previous N=2 supersymmetric W algebra. By twisting this N=2 supersymmetric W∞K,K algebra, we obtain the N=1 supersymmetric W∞K algebra which is the matrix generalization of known N=1 supersymmetric topological W algebra. From this two-dimensional symmetry algebra, we propose the operator product expansion (OPE) between the soft graviton and gravitino (as a first example), at nonzero deformation parameter, in the supersymmetric Einstein–Yang–Mills theory explicitly. Other six OPEs between the graviton, gravitino, gluon and gluino can be determined completely. At vanishing deformation parameter, we reproduce the known result of Fotopoulos, Stieberger, Taylor and Zhu on the above OPEs via celestial holography.

Original languageEnglish
Article number630
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2022


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