A multidisciplinary approach to characterization of the mature northern Yangsan fault in Korea and its active faulting

Kyoungtae Ko, Sung Ja Choi, Tae Ho Lee, Yong Sik Gihm, Chang Min Kim, Kiju Kim, Youngbeom Cheon

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14 Scopus citations


Some parts of the Yangsan Fault, a prominent mature intraplate fault on the Korean Peninsula, are still active. However, structural and paleoseismic investigations are limited because a large portion of the fault zone is covered by Quaternary sediments. To characterize the northern Yangsan Fault (NYF) and its paleoseismic features, we conducted topographic analyses, geological mapping, electrical resistivity surveys, borehole drilling, SHRIMP U–Pb age dating, a trench survey, and optically-stimulated-luminescence age dating (OSL). This multidisciplinary approach shows that the NYF is expressed as a nearly straight incised valley and a ridge-disrupting topographic lineament with anastomosing multiple core zones at outcrops. The NYF in Yeonghae area exhibits a NNE-striking eastern strand and a NNW- to N–S-striking western strand. Between these, a Jurassic granite (> 300-m-wide) is distributed as an enclosed lens, bounded by Precambrian metamorphic rocks to the east and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks to the west. The eastern strand likely passes S–N through the offshore area (East Sea) to onshore Pyeonghae area. A trench survey identified faults transecting Quaternary strata, providing the first paleoseismic record along the NYF. Stratigraphic features and OSL ages show that the most recent rupture occurred after 97 ± 7 ka, with the rupture along the western boundary of the mature fault core. Although older structures are prominent, paleoseismic records are few—a limitation for our onshore investigations. To reveal YF neotectonic activities under the East Sea, we need further information about off-fault damage (landslide, turbidite, tsunami records) within marine deposits as well as on-fault damage.

Original languageEnglish
Article number21
JournalMarine Geophysical Researches
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 2022


  • Active fault
  • Intraplate mature fault
  • Multiple core zones
  • Northern Yangsan fault


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