A parity checker for a large RNS numbers based on montgomery reduction method

Taek Won Kwon, Jun Rim Choi

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2 Scopus citations


Fast and simple algorithm of a parity checker for a large residue numbers is presented. A new set of RNS moduli with 2r - (2l ±1) form for fast modular multiplication is proposed. The proposed RNS moduli has a large dynamic range for a large RNS number. The parity of a residue number can be checked by the Chinese remainder theorem (CRT). A CRT-based parity checker is simply organized by the Montgomery reduction method (MRM), implemented by using multipliers and the carry-save adder array. We present a fast parity checker with minimal hardware processed in three clock cycles for 32-bit RNS modulus set.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1880-1885
Number of pages6
JournalIEICE Transactions on Electronics
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2005


  • Chinese remainder theorem(CRT)
  • Montgomery reduction method
  • Parity checker
  • Residue number systems(RNS)


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