A reliable watchdog protocol with two-way mutual confirmation in wireless multi-hop networks

Dongseung Shin, Dongkyun Kim, Jin Wook Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


With the growth of wireless multi-hop ad hoc networks, secured communications is challenging for the networks. Due to the broadcast nature of a radio wave, a data packet can be easily captured by unintended nodes. In addition, those unintended and malicious nodes can drop or modify the data packet. Hence, a watchdog protocol is required to handle those malicious nodes. In this paper, a reliable watchdog protocol, called two-way mutual confirmation (TWMC) watchdog protocol, is proposed. In this protocol, a data packet is forwarded only if a watchdog node and a receiver node mutually confirm the data forwarding. Through ns-2 based simulations, it is verified that the TWMC watchdog protocol significantly improves the misbehavior detection ratio compared to an existing watchdog protocol. Due to using additional control frames, it however has low throughput as a trade-off with high detection of misbehavior.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1513-1533
Number of pages21
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2011


  • Ad hoc networks
  • Two-way mutual confirmation
  • Watchdog


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