A simple a.c. magnetic susceptometer using self-inductance measurement of a single coil mounted on a cryostat cold head

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A very simple a.c. magnetic susceptometer for use in a helium closed cycle cryostat is reported in this paper. This simple setup has only a single bobbin-less copper coil, instead of the primary coil and two secondary coils typically used in mutual-inductance types. The single bobbin-less copper coil is directly mounted on the cryostat cold head. A sample is attached on the inside wall of the copper coil using a thermal contact material and its a.c. magnetic susceptibility is obtained from the measurement of the self-inductance of the sample coil using an LCR meter or an impedance analyzer. Experimental details are described and illustrative measurements on magnetic and superconducting materials as a function of temperature are included. The performances and limitations of this simple a.c. magnetic suceptometer are also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-181
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Magnetics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2008


  • a.c. magnetic susceptibility
  • Phase transition


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