A Study on Public Building Location Evaluation Using GIS and Entropy-TOPSIS

Jinhyeon Yu, Taehoon Kim, Soonmin Hong, Seungyeon Choo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As modern cities become larger and more overcrowded, the demand for service quality of public building increases, and the role of public buildings has expanded from simple administration to cultural and welfare services. The Public buildings play an important role in the development of cities and residents' convenience, making their location an important issue. The location of public buildings predominantly hinges on subjective assessment, revealing a scarcity of clearly defined objective criteria for location. Recently, there has been a surge in research concerning site selection through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) utilization and substantial datasets. However, when it comes to public edifices, GIS application is constrained due to the intricate nature of quantifying site-specific factors. Therefore, this research aims to facilitate the placement of public buildings by harnessing quantitative data and employing Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. We propose a site selection method using MCDM, entropy weighting Method, and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). For this purpose, we first selected location factors through previous studies then quantified the data using GIS and public data. We selected Bisan-dong in Seo-gu district of Daegu Metropolitan City as our study's target site with Administrative Welfare Center as our target building for experiments and analyses. Location evaluation was made possible by considering each administrative building's factor weight in Bisan-dong targeting our building. As per the weighting analysis results accessibility emerged as most important category with site area being most important sub-factor. Comparative analysis was enabled by comparing evaluation values across each location factor. This study presents a useful method for performing location evaluations using quantitative data which can serve as foundation for future research that can be extended to various other types of public buildings.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-34
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of the Architectural Institute of Korea
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2023


  • Decision making support
  • Entropy Weight Method
  • GIS(Geographic Information System)
  • Location evaluation
  • MCDM(Multi-Criteria Decision Making)
  • Public Buildings
  • TOPSIS Method


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