Adaptive Robust Game-Theoretic Decision Making Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles in Highway

Gokul S. Sankar, Kyoungseok Han

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44 Scopus citations


In a typical traffic scenario, autonomous vehicles are required to share the road with other road participants, e.g., human driven vehicles, pedestrians, etc. To successfully navigate the traffic, an adaptive robust level-k framework can be used by the autonomous agents to categorize the agents based on their depth of strategic thought and act accordingly. However, mismatch between the vehicle dynamics and its predictions, and improper classification of the agents can lead to undesirable behavior or collision. Robust approaches can handle the uncertainties, however, might result in a conservative behavior of the autonomous vehicle. This paper proposes an adaptive robust decision making strategy for autonomous vehicles to handle model mismatches in the prediction model while utilizing the confidence of the driver behavior to obtain less conservative actions. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated for a lane change maneuver in a highway driving scenario.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9272872
Pages (from-to)14484-14493
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2020


  • Adaptive robust control
  • autonomous vehicles
  • game theory
  • level-k reasoning


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