Aggressiveness of Typhula ishikariensis isolates to cultivars of bentgrass species (Agrostis spp.) under controlled environment conditions

S. W. Chang, T. H. Chang, L. Tredway, G. Jung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Speckled snow mold, caused hy Typhula ishikariensis, is one of the most important Typhula snow molds in subarctic zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Nine isolates of three T. ishikariensis varieties (var. ishikariensis, var. canadensis, and var. idahoensis) isolated from infected turfgrasses on golf course fairways throughout Wisconsin were evaluated for their aggressiveness toward nine cultivars of three bentgrass species (three creeping, three colonial, and three velvet cultivars) under controlled environmental conditions. Speckled snow mold seventy increased as inoculum concentration of T. ishikariensis was increased. In general, bentgrass susceptibility increased between 9 and 11 weeks alter seeding but gradually decreased thereafter, suggesting expression of age-related resistance as plants matured. Significant differences in aggressiveness were detected within and among T. ishikariensis varieties. Significant interactions between T. ishikariensis varieties or isolates and bentgrass species were detected, but there was no interaction between pathogen isolates and bentgrass cultivars. Disease seventy evaluations showed significant differences among bentgrass cultivars and species in their response to T. ishikariensis. Since bentgrass species exhibit differential responses to T. ishikariensis varieties, representative isolates of each variety should be employed for screening of bentgrass germplasm for resistance to speckled snow mold.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)951-956
Number of pages6
JournalPlant Disease
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2006


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