AK-type stability theorems on cross t-intersecting families

Sang June Lee, Mark Siggers, Norihide Tokushige

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Two families, A and B, of subsets of [n] are cross t-intersecting if for every A∈A and B∈B, A and B intersect in at least t elements. For a real number p and a family A the product measure μp(A) is defined as the sum of p|A|(1−p)n−|A| over all A∈A. For every non-negative integer r, and for large enough t, we determine, for any p satisfying [Formula presented] ≤p≤ [Formula presented], the maximum possible value of μp(A)μp(B) for cross t-intersecting families A and B. In this paper we prove a stronger stability result which yields the above result.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102993
JournalEuropean Journal of Combinatorics
StatePublished - Dec 2019


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