AMPA receptor exchange underlies transient memory destabilization on retrieval

Ingie Hong, Jeongyeon Kim, Jihye Kim, Sukwon Lee, Hyoung Gon Ko, Karim Nader, Bong Kiun Kaang, Richard W. Tsien, Sukwoo Choi

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126 Scopus citations


A consolidated memory can be transiently destabilized by memory retrieval, after which memories are reconsolidated within a few hours; however, the molecular substrates underlying this destabilization process remain essentially unknown. Here we show that at lateral amygdala synapses, fear memory consolidation correlates with increased surface expression of calcium-impermeable AMPA receptors (CI-AMPARs), which are known to be more stable at the synapse, whereas memory retrieval induces an abrupt exchange of CI-AMPARs to calcium-permeable AMPARs (CP-AMPARs), which are known to be less stable at the synapse. We found that blockade of either CI-AMPAR endocytosis or NMDA receptor activity during memory retrieval, both of which blocked the exchange to CP-AMPARs, prevented memory destabilization, indicating that this transient exchange of AMPARs may underlie the transformation of a stable memory into an unstable memory. These newly inserted CP-AMPARs gradually exchanged back to CI-AMPARs within hours, which coincided with the course of reconsolidation. Furthermore, blocking the activity of these newly inserted CP-AMPARs after retrieval impaired reconsolidation, suggesting that they serve as synaptic 'tags' that support synapse-specific reconsolidation. Taken together, our results reveal unexpected physiological roles of CIAMPARs and CP-AMPARs in transforming a consolidated memory into an unstable memory and subsequently guiding reconsolidation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8218-8223
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number20
StatePublished - 14 May 2013


  • Fear conditioning
  • Labile memory
  • Memory reactivation
  • Transient memory deconsolidation


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