An Optimized Data Analysis on a Real-Time Application of PEM Fuel Cell Design by Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Arun Saco, P. Shanmuga Sundari, J. Karthikeyan, Anand Paul

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


In recent years, machine learning algorithms have been applied in many real-time applications. Crises in the energy sector are the primary challenges experienced today among all countries across the globe, regardless of their economic status. There is a huge demand to acquire and produce environmentally friendly renewable energy and to distribute and utilize it efficiently because of its huge production cost. PEMFC are known for their energy efficiency and comparatively low cost, and can be an alternative energy source. The efficiency of these PEMFC can still be enhanced with the help of advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, as they provide an optimal solution to explore the hidden knowledge from the generated data. The proposed model attempts to compare several design techniques with varied humidity levels. To enhance the performance of PEMFC, the various humidification processes were considered during the experimental study. The humidification reduces the heat during energy generation and increases the performance of PEM fuel cell. The humidity levels such as 100%, 50%, and 10% were considered to be tested with the machine learning models. The SVMR, LR, and KNN algorithms were tested and observed with the RMSE value as the evaluation parameters. The observed results show that SVMR has an RMSE rate of 0.0046, the LR method has an RMSE rate of 0.0034, and KNN has an RMSE rate of 0.004. The analysis shows that the LR model provides better accuracy than other models. The LR model enhances the PEMFC performance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number346
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2022


  • KNN
  • LR
  • machine learning
  • PEM fuel cells
  • SVMR


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