Analytical and Physical Investigation on Source Resistance in InxGa1−xAs Quantum-Well High-Electron-Mobility Transistors

Ji Hoon Yoo, In Geun Lee, Takuya Tsutsumi, Hiroki Sugiyama, Hideaki Matsuzaki, Jae Hak Lee, Dae Hyun Kim

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2 Scopus citations


We present a fully analytical model and physical investigation on the source resistance (RS) in InxGa1−xAs quantum-well high-electron mobility transistors based on a three-layer TLM system. The RS model in this work was derived by solving the coupled quadratic differential equations for each current component with appropriate boundary conditions, requiring only six physical and geometrical parameters, including ohmic contact resistivity (ρc), barrier tunneling resistivity (ρbarrier), sheet resistances of the cap and channel regions (Rsh_cap and Rsh_ch), side-recessed length (Lside) and gate-to-source length (Lgs). To extract each model parameter, we fabricated two different TLM structures, such as cap-TLM and recessed-TLM. The developed RS model in this work was in excellent agreement with the RS values measured from the two TLM devices and previously reported short-Lg HEMT devices. The findings in this work revealed that barrier tunneling resistivity already played a critical role in reducing the value of RS in state-of-the-art HEMTs. Unless the barrier tunneling resistivity is reduced considerably, innovative engineering on the ohmic contact characteristics and gate-to-source spacing would only marginally improve the device performance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number439
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2023


  • HEMT
  • InGaAs
  • source resistance
  • TLM


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