Analyzing career paths and college life plans of department of chemistry education students in teacher's college examined by their roadmaps

Jongseok Park, Sungwoo Bae

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this study, we analyzed career paths and college life plans of department of chemistry education students in teacher's college examined by their roadmaps. We let students make their roadmaps and analyzed them using the PASW 18 program. There were significant differences on gender in their career paths, learning English, traveling and volunteer activity. Female students for passing the MEET(Medical Education Eligibility Test) or DEET(Dental Education Eligibility Test) were more interested in learning English and traveling than male students. In addition, female students were more interested in volunteer activity. And the lower year students, the more interested in medical paths, learning English, traveling, getting good grades, exchange student program and scholarship. On the other hand the higher year students, the more interested in group study or E-learning. Then significant differences were in learning English, traveling and getting good grades by students's career paths. Students who wish to pass the MEET or DEET were more interested in learning English and getting good grades. Those two factors were essential in passing the MEET or DEET. Students who did not specified their career paths had more traveling plans than other students for setting their directions of careers. These results show that freshman and female students don't recognize the identity of teacher's college correctly. Because of reduction in the number of teacher recruitment according to decrease of students by birth rate drop, students in teacher's college are expected to continue like this trend that students look for other paths. Therefore, it is required career counseling and guidance for students who give priority practical path choices and college life plans over original characteristics of teacher's college. And it should be reconsidered the direction of chemistry education prepared the identity of teacher's college reflected in this actuality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)751-758
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of the Korean Chemical Society
Issue number6
StatePublished - 20 Dec 2012


  • Career path
  • College life plan
  • Department of chemistry education in teacher
  • Roadmap


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