Application of high temperature (14 °C) aging of beef M. semimembranosus with low-dose electron beam and X-ray irradiation

So Yeon Kim, Hae In Yong, Ki Chang Nam, Samooel Jung, Dong Gyun Yim, Cheorun Jo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

35 Scopus citations


The effects of irradiation source (electron beam [EB] and X-ray [XR]), aging temperature (4 °C and 14 °C), and aging time (0, 3, 7, and 14 days) were evaluated on microbial quality, physicochemical properties, and calpain-1 autolysis in beef M. semimembranosus. Regardless of irradiation source, irradiation prior to aging reduced the total number of aerobic bacteria in beef and this reduction was maintained during aging. Irradiation did not affect the pH, b value, shear force, or myofibrillar fragmentation index of beef at day 0. Degradation of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins was greater in beef aged at 14 °C compared with beef aged at 4 °C. EB- or XR-irradiated samples showed slower autolysis of calpain-1; however, beef tenderness was not affected. Therefore, EB or XR irradiation can be applied to beef prior to aging to control microbial growth during high temperature (14 °C) aging, thus shortening the aging time without adversely affecting the physicochemical properties of beef.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)85-92
Number of pages8
JournalMeat Science
StatePublished - Feb 2018


  • Beef
  • High temperature aging
  • Irradiation
  • Microbial quality
  • Tenderness

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