Assessment to sway the forward-backward movement of the body on the home health care

Jeong Lae Kim, Kyu Sung Hwang, Yong Seok Nam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study was assessed the health sway system of forward-backward movement on the body. Variation of their movement was confirmed for stability by the health care system. We used an algorithm of sway system to move a forward-backward on the center state. To detect the condition of physical, we compared the forward-backward movement from derived average the center of the axial state. We showed to result the mean scores of correlation maximum and minimum of average during vision state were 24.15±4.52 units. The mean scores of correlation maximum and minimum of average during vestibular state were 13.31±2.08 units. The mean scores of correlation maximum and minimum of average during somatosensory state were 2.732±1.737 units. The mean scores of correlation maximum and minimum of average during CNS state were 0.617±0.82 units. The health sway application was more effectively stability a physical signal for checked management in health care area. Therefore, assessment of health sway system identified to maintain the stability, and to control a forward-backward movement on the body.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6643-6648
Number of pages6
Issue number12B
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2014


  • Forward-backward movement
  • Health care system
  • Health sway system
  • Physical signal detection


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