Attosecond X-ray Diffraction Triggered by Core or Valence Ionization of a Dipeptide

Daeheum Cho, Jérémy R. Rouxel, Markus Kowalewski, Jin Yong Lee, Shaul Mukamel

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18 Scopus citations


With the advancement of intense ultrafast X-ray sources, it is now possible to create a molecular movie by following the electronic dynamics in real time and real space through time-resolved X-ray diffraction. Here we employ real-time time-dependent density functional theory (RT-TDDFT) to simulate the electronic dynamics after an impulse core or valence ionization in the glycine-phenylalanine (GF) dipeptide. The time-evolving dipole moment, the charge density, and the time-resolved X-ray diffraction signals are calculated. The charge oscillation is calculated for 7 fs for valence ionization and 500 as for core ionization. The charge oscillation time scale is comparable to that found in a phenylalanine monomer (4 fs) [ Science 2014, 346, 336 ] and is slightly longer because of the elongated glycine chain. Following valence ionization, the charge migration across the GF is mediated by the delocalized lone-pair orbitals of oxygen and nitrogen of the electron-rich amide group. The temporal Fourier transform of the dipole moment provides detailed information on the charge migration dynamics and the molecular orbitals involved. Heterodyne-detected attosecond X-ray diffraction signals provide the magnitude and phase of the scattering amplitude in momentum space and can thus be inverted to yield the charge density in real space.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)329-338
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Issue number1
StatePublished - 9 Jan 2018


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