Avidity-model based clonal selection algorithm for network intrusion detection

Wan Tang, Xi Min Yang, Xia Xie, Li Mei Peng, Chan Hyun Youn, Yang Cao

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

6 Scopus citations


To make an immune-inspired network intrusion detection system (IDS) effective, this paper proposes a new framework, which includes our avidity-model based clonal selection (AMCS) algorithm as core element. The AMCS algorithm uses an improved representation for antigens (corresponding to network access patterns) and detectors (corresponding to detection rules). In particular, a bio-inspired technique called gene expression programming (GEP) is integrated with artificial immune system (AIS) in detector representation. In addition, inspired by the avidity model of immunology, this paper also defines new avidity/affinity functions (corresponding to the metric for quantify the interactions between detector and antigens) that take the priorities of attribute into account. Accordingly, the proposed algorithm integrates both negative selection and positive selection with a balance factor k to assign appropriate weights to self and non-self avidity. The well known KDD CUP'99 DATA set is used for performance evaluation. The results show that the intrusion detection based on AMCS provides a higher detection rate of DoS attack, a lower false alarm rate, and a lower detectors generation cost. Our results indicate that breaking the bottleneck of immune-inspired network IDS through adjusting basic elements is feasible and effective.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2010 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2010
StatePublished - 2010
Event2010 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2010 - Beijing, China
Duration: 16 Jun 201018 Jun 2010

Publication series

NameIEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS
ISSN (Print)1548-615X


Conference2010 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2010


  • Artificial immune system
  • Avidity model
  • Clonal selection
  • Gene expression programming
  • Network intrusion detection


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