Beam spin asymmetry in the electroproduction of a pseudoscalar meson or a scalar meson off the scalar target

Chueng Ryong Ji, Ho Meoyng Choi, Andrew Lundeen, Bernard L.G. Bakker

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3 Scopus citations


We discuss the electroproduction of a pseudoscalar (0-+) meson or a scalar (0++) meson off the scalar target. The most general formulation of the differential cross section for the 0-+ or 0++ meson process involves only one or two hadronic form factors, respectively, on a scalar target. The Rosenbluth-type separation of the differential cross section provides the explicit relation between the hadronic form factors and the different parts of the differential cross section in a completely model-independent manner. The absence of the beam spin asymmetry for the pseudoscalar meson production provides a benchmark for the experimental data analysis. The measurement of the beam spin asymmetry for the scalar meson production may also provide a unique opportunity not only to explore the imaginary part of the hadronic amplitude in the general formulation but also to examine the significance of the chiral-odd generalized parton distribution (GPD) contribution in the leading-twist GPD formulation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number116008
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number11
StatePublished - 12 Jun 2019


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