Carbon Felt Surface Treatment Effect on W18O49 Nanostructure-based Supercapacitor Electrode Performance

Jiwon Im, Seung Yong Eom, Do Hyung Kim, Jinjoo Jung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


W18O49 nanostructures assembled on carbon felt (WNACs) were fabricated using a simple solvothermal synthesis method. WNACs are composed of nanowire bundles with 3D structures that grow in the vertical direction of the CF. The CF was pretreated with HNO3, which increased the oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface. The pretreated and untreated CF samples showed XRD diffraction peaks in the same position, indicating that the pretreatment did not affect the crystal structure of the nanostructures grown on the CF surface. The increased oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface of CF improved the hydrophilicity of CF and the adsorption of metal ions, thus promoting the growth of uniformly distributed W18O49 nanostructures on the CF surface and providing additional active sites for electrochemical reactions. Analysis of electrochemical performance revealed that the HNO3-pretreated WNAC showed enhanced performances compared with nontreated WNAC. This work contributes to the synthesis of CF-based nanostructured electrodes and application research for performance improvement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)429-436
Number of pages8
JournalNew Physics: Sae Mulli
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2023


  • Carbon felt
  • Nanostructure
  • Supercapacitor
  • Surface modification
  • Tungsten oxide


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