Cascaded Dual-Buck AC-AC Converter Using Coupled Inductors

Sanghun Kim, Duekjin Jang, Heung Geun Kim, Honnyong Cha

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Scopus citations


A cascaded dual-buck ac-ac converter (CDBAC) possesses no shoot-through worries, no commutation problem, and can enhance efficiency by using power MOSFETs. The main drawback of a CDBAC is the use of more inductors than traditional cascaded multilevel ac-ac converter, which decreases the power density and increases the system cost. This paper presents a modified CDBAC using coupled inductors. In the proposed converter, the limiting inductors connected between units are integrated with one core. Because they share the current path where output inductor current is flowing. As a result, the total inductance, inductor footprints, and magnetic volume can all be reduced. To demonstrate the advantages of the proposed converter, the topology derivation, operation, and experimental results are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2018 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Niigata - ECCE Asia 2018
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9784886864055
StatePublished - 22 Oct 2018
Event8th International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Niigata - ECCE Asia 2018 - Niigata, Japan
Duration: 20 May 201824 May 2018

Publication series

Name2018 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Niigata - ECCE Asia 2018


Conference8th International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Niigata - ECCE Asia 2018


  • coupled inductor
  • direct PWM ac-ac converter
  • dual-buck converter
  • switching cell


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