Changes of Mineralogical Characteristics of Precipitates in Acid Mine Drainage of the Dalsung Mine and Related Changes of Trace Elements

Young Jin Yoon, Yeongkyoo Kim, Seong Joo Lee

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1 Scopus citations


Various iron minerals that precipitate in acid mine drainage have a great influence on the concentration change and mobility of trace elements in the drainage during phase transition to other minerals as well as the precipitation process. This study investigated the change of mineral properties and the behaviors of trace elements influenced by pH and time for the precipitates collected from the acid mine drainage treatment system of the Dalsung mine, where schwertmannite is mainly precipitated. However, the main mineral precipitated in the drainage was goethite, suggesting schwetmannite has already undergone a phase transition to goethite to some extent, and it was observed that at higher pH, the peak width at half maximum of XRD peak was narrower. This can be interpreted as the transformation of small amount of amorphous schwetmannite to goethite or an increase in the crystallinity of goethite, and it showed that the higher the pH, the greater this change was. The concentration of Fe was also greatly affected by the pH values, and as the pH increased, the concentration of Fe in the drainage decreased. With increasing time, the Fe concentration increased and then decreased, which can be interpreted to indicate the dissolution of schwertmannite and precipitation of goethite. This mineral change probably resulted in the rapid increase of the concentration of S at initial stage, but its concentration was stabilized later. The concentration of S is also related to the stability of schwetmannite, showing a high concentration at a low pH at which schwertmannite is stable and a low concentration at a high pH at which goethite is stable. The trace elements present as cations in the drainage also showed a close relationship with the pH, generally the lower the pH, the higher the concentration, due to the solubility changes by the pH, and the precipitation and the changes in mineral surface charge at high pH. On the other hand, in the case of As, existing as an anion, although it showed a high concentration at low pH, its concentration increased with time at all pH values, which is probably related to the concentration of Fe which can be coprecipitated in the drainage, and the increase of As concentration with time is also considered to be related to the decrease in schwertmannite rather than the mineral surface charge.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)531-540
Number of pages10
JournalEconomic and Environmental Geology
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 2022


  • acid mine drainage
  • goethite
  • mineral precipitation
  • schwertmannite
  • trace elements


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