Characteristics of Conventional STI Process-Related Deep-Level Traps in Silicon

In Man Kang, Hyuck In Kwon, Myung Won Lee, Byung Gook Park, Jong Duk Lee, Sang Sik Park, Jung Chak Ahn, Yong Hee Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The deep-level traps in Si substrates caused by the shallow trench isolation (STI) process have been investigated using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). For the DLTS measurements, test patterns consisting of the STI arrays fabricated on p-type epitaxy wafers are proposed. Based on the DLTS measurements, four kinds of deep level traps, which are thought to be related to the STI process, are detected at E v + 0.16 eV, E c -0. 23 eV, E c -0.55 eV, and E v + 0.58 eV, respectively. The deep levels at E c -0.55 eV and E v + 0.58 eV can act as generation-recombination centers. The density of traps was significantly reduced after low-temperature annealing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-72
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of the Korean Physical Society
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2004


  • Activation energy
  • Arrhenius plot
  • Capture cross section
  • DLTS
  • Emission rate
  • Silicon trench etching
  • STI process


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