Characterization the response of Korl:ICR mice to loperamide induced constipation

Ji Eun Kim, Woo Bin Yun, Ji Eun Sung, Hyun Ah Lee, Jun Young Choi, Yeon Shik Choi, Young Suk Jung, Kil Soo Kim, Dae Youn Hwang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Animal models of constipation induced with drugs and diet have been widely employed to investigate therapeutic effects and the action mechanism of drugs against this disease. ICR mice were selected to produce this disease model through oral administration of loperamide (Lop), even though SD rats are commonly utilized in studies of constipation. To compare the responses of ICR mice obtained from three different sources to constipation inducers, alterations in stool number, histopathological structure, mucin secretion and opioid-receptor downstream signaling pathway were measured in KorhlCR (Korea FDA source), A:ICR (USA source) and B:ICR (Japan source) injected with low and high concentrations of Lop (LoLop and HiLop). The number, weight and moisture content of stools decreased significantly in the Lop treated group of all ICR relative to the Vehicle treated group. Additionally, decreased mucosa layer thickness, muscle thickness, and mucin secretion were observed in the transverse colon of Lop treated ICR mice, while a similar number of goblet cells and crypt of lieberkuhn were detected in the same group. Furthermore, a similar change in the level of Ca expression and PKC phosphorylation was detected in the Lop treated group relative to the vehicle treated group, while some differences in the change pattern were observed in the B:ICR group. Therefore, these results of the present study provide strong additional evidence that KorhlCR, A:ICR and B:ICR derived from different sources have a similar overall response to constipation induced by Lop injection, although there were a few differences in the magnitude of their responses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)231-240
Number of pages10
JournalLaboratory Animal Research
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2016


  • constipation
  • excretion parameters
  • Korl:ICR
  • loperamide
  • mucin secretion


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