CODIE: Controlled Data and Interest Evaluation in Vehicular Named Data Networks

Syed Hassan Ahmed, Safdar Hussain Bouk, Muhammad Azfar Yaqub, Dongkyun Kim, Houbing Song, Jaime Lloret

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155 Scopus citations


Recently, named data networking (NDN) has been proposed as a promising architecture for future Internet technologies. NDN is an extension to the content-centric network (CCN) and is expected to support various applications in vehicular communications [vehicular NDN (VNDN)]. VNDN basically relies on naming the content rather than using end-to-end device names. In VNDN, a vehicle broadcasts an 'Interest' packet for the required 'content,' regardless of end-to-end connectivity with servers or other vehicles and known as a 'consumer.' In response, a vehicle with the content replies to the Interest packet with a 'Data' packet and named as a 'provider.' However, the simple VNDN architecture faces several challenges such as consumer/provider mobility and Interest/Data packet(s) forwarding. In VNDN, for the most part, the Data packet is sent along the reverse path of the related Interest packet. However, there is no extensive simulated reference available in the literature to support this argument. In this paper, therefore, we first analyze the propagation behavior of Interest and Data packets in the vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) environment through extensive simulations. Second, we propose the 'CODIE' scheme to control the Data flooding/broadcast storm in the naïve VNDN. The main idea is to allow the consumer vehicle to start hop counter in Interest packet. Upon receiving this Interest by any potential provider, a data dissemination limit (DDL) value stores the number of hops and a data packet needs to travel back. Simulation results show that CODIE forwards fewer copies of data packets processed (CDPP) while achieving similar interest satisfaction rate (ISR), as compared with the naïve VNDN. In addition, we also found that CODIE also minimizes the overall interest satisfaction delay (ISD), respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7460243
Pages (from-to)3954-3963
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2016


  • Interest/data forwarding
  • named data networks (NDNs)
  • vehicular NDNs (VNDNs)


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