Construction of EST database for comparative gene studies of Acanthamoeba

Eun Kyung Moon, Joung Ok Kim, Ying Hua Xuan, Young Sun Yun, Se Won Kang, Yong Seok Lee, Tae In Ahn, Yeon Chul Hong, Dong Il Chung, Hyun Hee Kong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


The genus Acanthamoeba can cause severe infections such as granulomatous amebic encephalitis and amebic keratitis in humans. However, little genomic information of Acanthamoeba has been reported. Here, we constructed Acanthamoeba expressed sequence tags (EST) database (Acanthamoeba EST DB) derived from our 4 kinds of Acanthamoeba cDNA library. The Acanthamoeba EST DB contains 3,897 EST generated from amebae under various conditions of long term in vitro culture, mouse brain passage, or encystation, and downloaded data of Acanthamoeba from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and Taxonomically Broad EST Database (TBestDB). The almost reported cDNA/genomic sequences of Acanthamoeba provide stand alone BLAST system with nucleotide (BLAST NT) and amino acid (BLAST AA) sequence database. In BLAST results, each gene links for the significant information including sequence data, gene orthology annotations, relevant references, and a BlastX result. This is the first attempt for construction of Acanthamoeba database with genes expressed in diverse conditions. These data were integrated into a database (

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-107
Number of pages5
JournalKorean Journal of Parasitology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2009


  • Acanthamoeba
  • Brain passage
  • Database
  • ESTs
  • Encystation


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