Control oriented model-based simulation and experimental studies on a compliant legged quadruped robot

M. M. Gor, P. M. Pathak, A. K. Samantaray, J. M. Yang, S. W. Kwak

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Quadruped robots offer better maneuverability over wheeled mobile robots. However, a quadruped robot contains many joint actuators which have to operate in a coordinated fashion to achieve the desired locomotion. Joint actuations cause various degrees of disturbance on the robot body and may even destabilize the system. Thus, prior dynamic analysis plays an important role for development of control laws for quadruped locomotion. Here, a three dimensional dynamic model of a quadruped has been developed using the bond graph technique which can be interfaced with various controller models. This model contains a detailed sub-model for telescopic compliant legs. Results from simulations, animations and experiments are discussed. Turning motion at various leg speeds is studied for dynamic stability of the robot. The effect of leg compliance on locomotion parameters is studied which helps in selecting a suitable compliance. Performance measure is carried out using energy efficiency as deciding criteria. Study on energy efficient quadruped structure, energy efficient locomotion gait and foot trajectory have been carried out for designing an efficient quadruped.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)217-234
Number of pages18
JournalRobotics and Autonomous Systems
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2015


  • Bond graph
  • Compliant leg
  • Dynamic model
  • Foot trajectory
  • Locomotion gait
  • Quadruped robot


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