Corrigendum to “Taxonomic review of the subtribe Masoreina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiinae) from Cambodia” [J Asia Pac Biodivers 17(3) (2024) 437–450, (S2287884X2400030X), (10.1016/j.japb.2024.01.011)]

Jong Bong Choi, Taeyeong Kwon, Eun Young Choi, Myeonghwan Kim, Hee Soo Lee, Sodavy Gnim, Seungmin Shin, Jong Kyun Park

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The authors regret that a small portion of the text in page 438 must be deleted. The updated text below the sentence “Preliminary key to species of the subgenus Aephnidius from Oriental region (Schmidt-Göbel,1846:88e91; Chaudoir,1876:15e23;Andrewes, 1922: 169; Jedlicka, 1963:284e286; Habu,1967: 56, Pl. X)” must be 1. Elytral interval 3 without setigerous discal puncture.2- Elytral interval 3 with two or more setigerous discal punctures .42. Small, body length approximately 3.5 mm. Elytra with distinct yellowish spot.A. submaculatus (Bates, 1892): 405.- Larger, body length 4.0 to 4.75 mm. Elytra without distinct spot .33. Dorsum dark brown to black. Elytral striae relatively shallow .A. opaculus (Zimmermann, 1832): 120.- Dorsum reddish brown. Elytral striae relatively distinct. .A. rubidus (Andrewes, 1922): 169.4. Elytral surface with mottled reflection.5- Elytral surface without mottled reflection.65. Pronotum with lateral margins widest in the middle and weakly rugose around the median longitudinal impression. Body relatively flat. Dorsum more yellowish brown and pronotal disc faintly lighter along the lateral margins. .A. fuscipennis (Schmidt-Göbel, 1846): 89.- Pronotum with lateral margins widest behind the middle and distinctly rugose around the median longitudinal impression. Body convex. Dorsum generally uniformly blackish.A. adelioides MacLeay, 1825: 23.6. Anterior margin of pronotum moderately concave. Elytral humeri rounded and striae relatively distinct. .A. ruficornis (Chaudoir, 1850): 452.- Anterior margin of pronotum much more concave. Elytral humeri more or less rectangular and striae shallow. .A. pleuronectes (Zimmermann, 1832): 120.> on page 438.The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


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