Designing of active front steering using dynamic inversion

Inseok Yang, Dong Seog Han

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


An automotive vehicle is considered as a safety-critical system that must be met with high level of dependability. An active front steering (AFS) system is an active safety device that improves handling and stability of a vehicle by controlling front steering. In this paper, the dynamic inversion (DI) method is proposed as a control technique for designing an AFS. The DI controller is a control synthesis technique that replaces the inherent dynamics to the user-designed desired dynamics. For this reason, the DI controller is considered as a suitable controller for systems that operate various environments. The performance of an AFS system controlled by the DI is evaluated by numerical simulation.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2014
Event21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems: Reinventing Transportation in Our Connected World, ITSWC 2014 - Detroit, United States
Duration: 7 Sep 201411 Sep 2014


Conference21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems: Reinventing Transportation in Our Connected World, ITSWC 2014
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • Active front steering
  • Dynamic inversion


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