Development of a dynamic collision avoidance algorithm for indoor tracking system based on active RFID

Sekyung Han, Yeonsuk Choi, Masayuki Iwai, Kaoru Sezaki

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We propose a novel collision-avoidance algorithm for the active type RFID regarding an indoor tracking system. Several well-known collision avoidance algorithms are analyzed considering the adequacy for the indoor tracking system. We prove the superiority of the slotted ALOHA in comparison with CSMA for short and fixed length packets like an ID message in RFID. Observed results show that they are not applicable for active type RFID in terms of energy efficiency. Putting these all together, we propose a dedicated collision avoidance algorithm considering the unique features of the indoor tracking system. The proposed method includes a scheduled tag access period (STAP) as well as a random tag access period (RTAP) to address both of the static and dynamic characteristics of the system. The system parameters are determined through a quantitative analysis of the throughput and energy efficiency. Especially, some mathematical techniques have been deployed to obtain the optimal slot count for RTAP. Finally, simulation results are provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed method with variations of the parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)736-752
Number of pages17
JournalKSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 2010


  • Anti-collision
  • Collision avoidance
  • Indoor tracking system
  • Localization
  • RFID


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