Development of a GEM-based time projection chamber prototype for low-energy rare-isotope beam experiments

Shin Hyung Kim, Jung Keun Ahn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


In this study, we developed a time projection chamber (TPC) prototype with gas electron multipliers (GEM) to evaluate the basic performance of the GEM-based TPC for the rare-isotope beam experiments to be conducted at the RAON heavy-ion facility. The TPC prototype has a drift volume of 10×10×15 cm3, and we operated it in an Ar/CH4 gas mixture (90/10). The TPC data acquisition system collected 256 pad signals in full-readout mode using cosmic-ray muons and α particles from an 241Am source. The measured spatial resolutions on the pad plane and along the drift direction were 350μm and 250μm, respectively. We also discussed the tracking performance of the future active target TPC with a 20 AMeV 12Be beam.


  • Alpha decay
  • Gas electron multiplier
  • Time projection chamber


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