Development of a Modified Method for Measuring the Actual Draft Force Using a Tractor-Attached Dynamometer

Hyo Geol Kim, Jin Woong Lee, Su Chul Kim, Jooseon Oh, Sung Bo Shim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


In this study, crank-locker kinematic equations were used to analyze the three-point hitch behavior when the dynamometer was connected to the work machine. The dynamometer was statically tested with a hydraulic actuator, and the accuracy of the three-way force and the moment was confirmed to be 96–99%. The calibrated dynamometer was put to the test on a real farm field, and data were collected using a data acquisition system. Using the transport pitch correction equation, the collected data can be transformed into more realistic data. International standards were used to determine the point of connection between the tractor, dynamometer, and implement. The results of this study made it possible to accurately measure force and moment, which will have an important role in future agricultural technologies such as autonomous agricultural operation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number544
JournalAgriculture (Switzerland)
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2024


  • force measurement accuracy
  • force–moment equation
  • three-point hitch
  • tractor-attached dynamometer


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