Development of a portable charge integration embedded DAQ board for beam monitoring

Young Seok Hwang, H. J. Kim, H. Park, Heedong Kang, Wan Kim, J. H. So, Sunghwan Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


We have developed an embedded Data AcQuisition (DAQ) board which has an Ethernet controller and a charge integrator. We could monitor the beam profile outside the beam line by using this system with an Ethernet connection. This embedded DAQ board consists of a microcontroller a network controller, field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a currentstodigital converter with a wide dynamic range, a variable integration time and a 20-bit resolution. The board was tested with a proton beam by using the MC-50 cyclotron at the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences. The board was connected to a homemade ion-chamber and it took the currents signal from the ion-chamber directly. The signals were integrated by using the charge integration function of the board. The data were recorded through the Ethernet connection by using a personal computer. We monitored the beam condition with different beam currents from 1 nA to 10 nA We could successfully measure the dose of the 45-MeV proton beam with various beam currents by using this charge integration embedded DAQ board.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2088-2092
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of the Korean Physical Society
Issue number5 PART 2
StatePublished - May 2009


  • Charge integrator
  • DAQ
  • Embedded board
  • Ethernet
  • FPGA
  • Ion chamber


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