Development of a threshold aerogel Cherenkov detector for K∕π separation in the H-dibaryon search at J-PARC

M. H. Kim, S. Y. Ryu, J. K. Ahn, W. S. Jung, S. H. Kim, J. W. Lee, T. Ohta, J. B. Park, M. Tabata, M. Yosoi

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We have developed a new threshold Cherenkov detector for online triggering in the H-dibaryon search experiment at the K1.8 beam line at J-PARC. Silica aerogel radiators with a refractive index of n=1.04 will cover an effective area of 550 × 220 mm 2 . The Cherenkov detector will be placed in a high magnetic field between two spectrometer magnets. Three prototypes and a real-size mockup module have been tested using pions and protons from photoproduction at SPring-8. For momentum ranging from 1.0 to 1.1 GeV ∕c, a suppression factor of 10 3 could be achieved for pions, with a factor of 10 −2 for proton misidentification.


  • Cherenkov detector
  • E42
  • LEPS
  • Parabolic reflector
  • Silica aerogel


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