Development of decay energy spectroscopy for radionuclide analysis using cryogenic 4π measurements

Y. S. Jang, S. J. Lee, G. B. Kim, I. H. Kim, M. S. Kim, H. J. Lee, J. S. Lee, K. B. Lee, M. K. Lee, H. C. Ri, W. S. Yoon, Y. H. Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


We report the recent progress in the development of decay energy spectroscopy for radionuclide analysis using a metallic magnetic calorimeter. In the present analysis, sample radionuclides were completely enclosed by a 4π steradian absorber. The use of a 4π absorber composed of gold foil guarantees that the total energy associated with radioactive decay is converted into thermal energy in the absorber. A paramagnetic temperature sensor was attached to the absorber to accurately measure the temperature change due to radioactive decay. The plutonium isotopes 238Pu, 239Pu, and 240Pu were readily identified in the decay energy spectrum because each isotope creates a single peak at its characteristic Q value. Two clear peaks were observed for 239Pu and 240Pu, and a 6.3 keV FWHM was obtained. The energy resolution of the method was affected by the low-energy tail of the spectrum at the left-hand side of the peaks. A 4.1 keV FWHM of a Gaussian fit was obtained for the right-hand side of the peak. Slow heat release to the absorber due to heat flow mechanisms is discussed to explain the low-energy tailing effect.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)967-972
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Low Temperature Physics
Issue number5-6
StatePublished - Jun 2012


  • Alpha spectroscopy
  • Cryogenic detectors
  • Metallic magnetic calorimeter
  • Q spectrometer


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