Device characteristics of radio frequency SAW filter fabricated on GaN thin film

Cheol Yeong Jang, Min Jung Park, Eun Ja Jung, Hyun Chul Choi, Jung Hee Lee, Yong Hyun Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


SAW Characteristics of undoped GaN thin film such as velocity, electro-mechanical coupling coefficient k2, temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF), and propagation loss were investigated. GaN thin film was deposited on sapphire substrate by MOCVD. SAW velocity of 5352 m/s and TCF of -61.8 ppm/°C were measured at kh value of 0.3 and a temperature range -30 - 80 °C. k2 was varied from 4.01 % to 1.36 %. The fabricated SAW filter exhibited good device performance with insertion loss of -36 dB and side lobe attenuation of 20 dB at the wavelength of 40 μm (λ/4 = 10 μm). The center frequency was 133.8 MHz.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S480-S482
JournalJournal of the Korean Physical Society
Issue numberSPEC.
StatePublished - Feb 2003
EventProceedings of The 11th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Apllications - 2002 - Cheju Island, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 20 Aug 200223 Aug 2002


  • GaN
  • Surface acoustic wave


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