Diagnostic accuracy of dental caries detection using ensemble techniques in deep learning with intraoral camera images

Sohee Kang, Byungeun Shon, Eun Young Park, Sungmoon Jeong, Eun Kyong Kim

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Camera image-based deep learning (DL) techniques have achieved promising results in dental caries screening. To apply the intraoral camera image-based DL technique for dental caries detection and assess its diagnostic performance, we employed the ensemble technique in the image classification task. 2,682 intraoral camera images were used as the dataset for image classification according to dental caries presence and caries-lesion localization using DL models such as ResNet-50, Inception-v3, Inception-ResNet-v2, and Faster R-convolutional neural network according to diagnostic study design. 534 participants whose mean age [SD] was 47.67 [±13.94] years were enrolled. The dataset was divided into training (56.0%), validation (14.0%), and test subset (30.0%) annotated by one experienced dentist as a reference standard about dental caries detection and lesion location. The confusion matrix, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), and average precision (AP) were evaluated for performance analysis. In the end-to-end dental caries image classification, the ensemble DL models had consistently improved performance, in which as the best results, the ensemble model of Inception-ResNet-v2 achieved 0.94 of AUROC and 0.97 of AP. On the other hand, the explainable model achieved 0.91 of AUROC and 0.96 of AP after the ensemble application. For dental caries classification using intraoral camera images, the application of ensemble techniques exhibited consistently improved performance regardless of the DL models. Furthermore, the trial to create an explainable DL model based on carious lesion detection yielded favorable results.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0310004
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2024


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