Diagnostic Usefulness of p53 Immunostaining in Gastric Cancer and Dysplasia: A Real-world Clinical Experience

Ji Hyun Park, An N.A. Seo, Moonsik Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background/Aim: Gastric cancer and its precancerous lesions represent a significant public health concern. A subset of gastric cancers exhibits mutations in the TP53 gene, often accompanying distinctive morphologic alterations. This study aimed to assess the diagnostic efficacy of p53 immunostaining in real-world clinical settings. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 50 cases of gastric tumors and tumor-like lesions, wherein p53 immunostaining played a pivotal diagnostic role. The staining pattern of p53 was examined in conjunction with clinicopathologic parameters. Results: Mutant p53 staining pattern demonstrated a significant association with high-grade nuclear atypia (p<0.001), high-grade dysplasia, and tubular adenocarcinoma (p<0.001), as well as microsatellite instability status (p=0.034). Furthermore, the diagnostic utility of p53 immunostaining was evident in scenarios where: 1) biopsy specimens contained few tumor cells, 2) pathologic evaluation of resection margins was limited by cauterization artifacts, and 3) distinction between low-grade and high-grade gastric dysplasia was challenging. Conclusion: P53 immunostaining can be helpful for the diagnosis of gastric tumor and tumor-like lesions, and accurate pathologic margin evaluation, particularly in lesions demonstrating intestinal-type differentiation and some degree of nuclear atypia.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1865-1874
Number of pages10
JournalIn Vivo
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 2024


  • gastric cancer
  • gastric dysplasia
  • immunohistochemistry
  • p53
  • resection margin evaluation
  • stomach biopsy


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