Diffusion of organochlorine (OCPs) and cypermethrin pesticides from rohu (Labeo rohita) internal organs to edible tissues during ice storage: a threat to human health

Ulaganathan Arisekar, Robinson Jeya Shakila, Rajendran Shalini, Balasubramanian Sivaraman, Arjunan Karthy, Mysoon M. Al-Ansari, Nora Dahmash Al-Dahmash, R. Mythili, Woong Kim, Sugumar Ramkumar, Bhagyalakshmi Kalidass, Shannon N. Sangma

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1 Scopus citations


The migration of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and cypermethrin residues from internal organs to edible tissues of ice-held Labeo rohita (rohu) was investigated in this study. The liver (246 µg/kg) had the highest level of ∑OCP residues, followed by the gills (226 µg/kg), intestine (167 µg/kg), and muscle tissue (54 µg/kg). The predominant OCPs in the liver and gut were endosulfan (53–66 µg/kg), endrin (45–53 µg/kg), and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT; 26–35 µg/kg). The ∑OCP residues in muscle increased to 152 µg/kg when the entire rohu was stored in ice, but they decreased to 129 µg/kg in gill tissues. On days 5 and 9, the total OCPs in the liver increased to 317 µg/kg and 933 µg/kg, respectively. Beyond day 5 of storage, total internal organ disintegration had led to an abnormal increase in OCP residues of liver-like mass. Despite a threefold increase in overall OCP residues by day 9, accumulation of benzene hexachloride (BHC) and heptachlor was sixfold, endrin and DDT were fourfold, aldrin was threefold, and endosulfan and cypermethrin were both twofold. Endosulfan, DDT, endrin, and heptachlor were similarly lost in the gills at a rate of 40%, while aldrin and BHC were also lost at 60 and 30%, respectively. The accumulation of OCP residues in tissues has been attributed to particular types of fatty acid derivatives. The study concluded that while pesticide diffusion to edible tissues can occur during ice storage, the levels observed were well below the allowable limit for endosulfan, endrin, and DDT.

Original languageEnglish
Article number126
JournalEnvironmental Geochemistry and Health
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2024


  • Diffusion
  • Fatty acids
  • Internal organs
  • Maximum residual limit
  • OCP residues
  • Rohu (Labeo rohita)


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