Distributed multi-representative re-fusion approach for heterogeneous sensing data collection

Anfeng Liu, Xiao Liu, Tianyi Wei, Laurence T. Yang, Seungmin Rho, Anand Paul

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Amulti-representative re-fusion (MRRF) approximate data collection approach is proposed in whichmultiple nodes with similar readings form a data coverage set (DCS). The reading value of the DCS is represented by an R-node. The set near the Sink is smaller, while the set far from the Sink is larger, which can reduce the energy consumption in hotspot areas. Then, a distributed data-aggregation strategy is proposed that can re-fuse the value of R-nodes that are far from each other but have similar readings. Both comprehensive theoretical and experimental results indicate that the MRRF approach increases lifetime and energy efficiency.

Original languageEnglish
Article number73
JournalTransactions on Embedded Computing Systems
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2017


  • Approximate data collection
  • Multirepresentative re-fusion
  • Network lifetime
  • Wireless sensor networks


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