DNA barcoding of metazoan zooplankton copepods from South Korea

Su Youn Baek, Kuem Hee Jang, Eun Hwa Choi, Shi Hyun Ryu, Sang Ki Kim, Jin Hee Lee, Young Jin Lim, Jimin Lee, Jumin Jun, Myounghai Kwak, Young Sup Lee, Jae Sam Hwang, Balu Alagar Venmathi Maran, Cheon Young Chang, Il Hoi Kim, Ui Wook Hwang

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44 Scopus citations


Copepods, small aquatic crustaceans, are the most abundant metazoan zooplankton and outnumber every other group of multicellular animals on earth. In spite of ecological and biological importance in aquatic environment, their morphological plasticity, originated from their various lifestyles and their incomparable capacity to adapt to a variety of environments, has made the identification of species challenging, even for expert taxonomists. Molecular approaches to species identification have allowed rapid detection, discrimination, and identification of cryptic or sibling species based on DNA sequence data. We examined sequence variation of a partial mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase I gene (COI) from 133 copepod individuals collected from the Korean Peninsula, in order to identify and discriminate 94 copepod species covering six copepod orders of Calanoida, Cyclopoida, Harpacticoida, Monstrilloida, Poecilostomatoida and Siphonostomatoida. The results showed that there exists a clear gap with ca. 20 fold difference between the averages of within-specific sequence divergence (2.42%) and that of between-specific sequence divergence (42.79%) in COI, suggesting the plausible utility of this gene in delimitating copepod species. The results showed, with the COI barcoding data among 94 copepod species, that a copepod species could be distinguished from the others very clearly, only with four exceptions as followings: Mesocyclops dissimilis - Mesocyclops pehpeiensis (0.26% K2P distance in percent) and Oithona davisae - Oithona similis (1.1%) in Cyclopoida, Ostrincola japonica - Pseudomyicola spinosus (1.5%) in Poecilostomatoida, and Hatschekia japonica - Caligus quadratus (5.2%) in Siphonostomatoida. Thus, it strongly indicated that COI may be a useful tool in identifying various copepod species and make an initial progress toward the construction of a comprehensive DNA barcode database for copepods inhabiting the Korean Peninsula.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0157307
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2016


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