Does market familiarity bless multinational in strategic competition?

Chul Woo Kwon, Harvey E. Lapan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


This paper considers a competition between two multinationals (U, J) who compete in a third market (K). The multinationals have identical cost structures, but differ in that J comes from a country that is " taste-similar" to K, and hence produces products that match more closely the preferences of K residents. This similarity gives J an advantage in K's market, and if only one firm enters, J can earn higher profits. However, we show: (i) K may benefit more from the entry of the market-familiar firm (U), and (ii) in a strategic competition between the two firms, the market-familiarity may be a strategic disadvantage.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-62
Number of pages5
JournalJapan and the World Economy
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2011


  • Market familiarity
  • Multinationals
  • Strategic advantage
  • Taste difference


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