Echocardiographic assessment of papillary muscle size and function in normal beagle dogs

Mijin Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Hojung Choi, Youngwon Lee, Kija Lee

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1 Scopus citations


Morphologic changes or functional impairments of the papillary muscle (PM) can influence mitral valve competence. The purpose of this study was to investigate PM size and contractile function using two-dimensional and color tissue Doppler echocardiography in normal dogs. 35 unsedated Beagle dogs without cardiovascular disease were examined. The vertical (VD) and horizontal diameter (HD) of the posterior and anterior PM was measured at enddiastole, and compared with the thickness of the left ventricular posterior wall (LVPWd). Longitudinal systolic movement of the PM was quantified as myocardial velocity and strain using tissue Doppler. The VD, HD, and ratios (VD/LVPWd, HD/LVPWd, VD/HD) were significantly greater in the posterior than anterior PM (P < 0.001). The VD and HD of posterior PM and the HD of anterior PM were significantly correlated with LVPWd (r = 0.47, 0.44, and 0.42, respectively). Body weight was significantly correlated with VD of posterior PM (r = 0.37). The peak systolic tissue velocity of the PM was 4.93 ± 1.25 cm/sec and peak strain was -30.83 ± 11.92%. PM size and systolic function can be quantitatively assessed using two-dimensional and tissue Doppler. The establishment of these objective PM measurements may be useful to evaluate morphological and functional abnormalities of the canine PM.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)155-158
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Veterinary Clinics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2019


  • Canine
  • Diameter
  • Papillary muscle
  • Strain
  • Tissue doppler


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