Effect of different post-sintering temperatures on the microstructures and mechanical properties of a pre-sintered Co–Cr Alloy

Seong Ho Jang, Bong Ki Min, Min Ho Hong, Tae Yub Kwon

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8 Scopus citations


Although a cobalt–chromium (Co–Cr) blank in a pre-sintered state has been developed, there are few data on the optimal temperature for the alloy in terms of the desired mechanical properties. A metal block (Soft Metal, LHK, Chilgok, Korea) was milled to produce either disc-shaped or dumbbell-shaped specimens. All the milled specimens were post-sintered in a furnace at 1250, 1350 or 1450C. The microstructures, shrinkage and density of the three different alloys were investigated using the disc-shaped specimens. The mechanical properties were investigated with a tensile test according to ISO 22674 (n = 6). The number and size of the pores in the alloys decreased with increased temperature. The shrinkage and density of the alloys increased with temperature. In the 1250C alloy, the formation of the ε (hexagonal close-packed) phase was more predominant than that of the γ (face-centered cubic) phase. The 1350C and 1450C alloys showed γ phase formation more predominantly. Carbide formation was increased along with temperature. The 1450C group showed the largest grain size among the three groups. In general, the 1350C group exhibited mechanical properties superior to the 1250C and 1450C groups. These findings suggest that 1350C was the most optimal post-sintering temperature for the pre-sintered blank.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1036
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2018


  • Cobalt-chromium alloy
  • Mechanical properties
  • Microstructure
  • Powder metallurgy
  • Sintering


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