Effect of suction nozzle modification on the performance and aero-acoustic noise of a vacuum cleaner

Cheol Woo Park, Sang Ik Lee, Sang Joon Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The suction nozzle of a vacuum cleaner was modified to enhance the power performance and to reduce the airflow-induced acoustic noise. The suction power efficiencies of the vacuum cleaner were measured for various nozzles: (1) original nozzle, (2) original nozzle with modified trench height, (3) original nozzle with modified connecting chamber, and (4) a combination of (2) and (3). In addition, the suction pressure and sound pressure level around the suction nozzle were measured to validate the reduction of acoustic noise. The power efficiency and mean suction pressure increased when the trench height of the suction nozzle was increased. This was attributed to the suppression of the flow separation in the suction channel. Modification of the connecting chamber in the original nozzle, which had an abrupt contraction from a rectangular chamber into a circular pipe, into a smooth converging contraction substantially improved the suction flow into the connecting pipe. When both modifications were applied simultaneously, the resulting suction nozzle was more effective from the viewpoints of aerodynamic power increase and sound pressure level reduction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1648-1660
Number of pages13
JournalKSME International Journal
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2004


  • Aerodynamic Power
  • Sound Pressure Level
  • Suction Nozzle
  • Suction Pressure
  • Vacuum Cleaner


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