Effects of piston shape and nozzle specifications on part-load operation of natural gas–diesel dual-fuel RCCI engine and its application to high load extension

Sechul Oh, Junho Oh, Hyeong Jun Jang, Seokhwan Lee, Sunyoup Lee, Changgi Kim, Jeongwoo Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


In this study, the effects of modifications of both the piston shape and injector nozzle are experimentally investigated for high load extension of a natural gas–diesel dual-fuel reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine. First, a bathtub shape with a reduced compression ratio is applied to the modified piston which was reported to improve the flame propagation in squish volume, the cooling loss, and the air induction rate under the same limit of in-cylinder pressure from previous studies. In addition, a multiangle two-layer injector is used to extend the maximum load, which has been proven to be effective for unburned hydrocarbon emissions and gross indicated efficiency in part-load operation in our previous study. The experiments are conducted under both 1200 rpm part-load operation (approximately 1950 J/cylinder per cycle of fuel input energy) and 1800 rpm maximum load operation. The objectives are to comprehensively evaluate the effects of the modifications on natural gas–diesel RCCI operation and verify the effects of all load conditions. The experimental results reveal that the changes in the piston—reduction in the compression ratio and a bathtub piston shape—are effective for both NOx and smoke emissions as the diesel injection timing is advanced. Although the multi-hole double layer (combined narrow and wide injection) has less effect on emissions compared to that of the change in piston, it affects the mixing process inside the cylinder, thus retarding the combustion phasing, prolonging the combustion duration, and eventually reducing the cooling loss. Both modifications are highly effective for advanced diesel injection timing corresponding to RCCI operation, which extends high-load operation from 80.9 to 101 kW of brake power, relatively 24.8 % increase, by adopting both the piston and injector modifications. Based on the modifications, the mass fraction of natural gas is suggested to be approximately 80 %. A higher fraction causes the variation in the maximum in-cylinder pressure to be extremely sensitive to allow robust operation. In contrast, if it is lower, the amounts of both NOx and smoke emissions exceed the emission standard levels (0.4 g/kWh and 15 mg/kWh for NOx and smoke emissions, respectively, corresponding to Stage-V of non-road engine operation).

Original languageEnglish
Article number125361
StatePublished - 15 Nov 2022


  • Diesel
  • Dual fuel
  • Natural gas
  • Nitrogen oxide
  • Reactivity-controlled compression ignition
  • Smoke


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